
Showing posts from January, 2018

Top 10 Career Options For French Professionals

Top 10 Career Options For French Professionals Learning a foreign language is always helping you and open the doors to job opportunities. Here, I discuss top 10 Career options after learning the French Language. 1. Translator: French is an official language in about 29 countries and spoken by more than 220 million people in this world. After Learning this language, one can make his/her career as a translator. A good translator can translate any document, article, news story or any other media. 2. Interpreter: French is the third most useful language for business. A good Interpreter can interpret French into any other language. In order to communicate or business reasons, Interpreters are required by business professionals in the entire world. 3. Content Writer/Proofreader/Editor: One can make his/her career in writing as well. You can work with lots of newspaper, magazines, publishing houses. Production houses require writers, the scriptwriter. French is ranked sixth most used language

Mass Media Literacy Reflections for Language Instructions

Mass Media Literacy Reflections for Language Instructions "You cannot teach a man anything, you can only help him find it within himself." Galileo Galilei Mass media forms thrive today. As development show itself scientifically, students experience various media forms through technologies. These flourishing materials shouldn't be ignored; it is the role of ESL teachers to keep abreast with the present day coinciding language instructions to mass media forms as springboards of originally planned language tasks in attuning the interests of students that the real- world situation is constantly exposing them. There exist a one- to- one correspondence between technology and the mass media. As technology rises, mass media develops several forms that can be activated as operative materials in intellectually influencing interested individuals. To be able to discover these materials' educational potentials, teachers need to discover the essence of media literacy by evaluating

Things You Should Know About English Proofreading Services

Things You Should Know About English Proofreading Services When you want proofreading services, there are so many services that you can choose from. Wading through service offers and understanding differentiation points can be rather difficult. There are some areas of differentiation between the services. When you have the right information, you can select the very best service that is just right for all your needs. Different proofreading services are usually built around some area of expertise. There are some that will specialize in books, business writing, and others academic writing. There are also some services that are generally working within various genres. If you are looking for services, there are some factors that you should consider. Do you need the material being proofread to conform to a certain style? If so, you should choose a service that is very familiar with the guide. The more modern services are in a position to handle all major style guides. Things can be a little

What Are The Benefits Of A Spoken English App?

What Are The Benefits Of A Spoken English App? The English language is probably the most widely spoken and in the majority of areas you will be required to be fluent in spoken and written English. There are so many reasons as to why you might have chosen to learn spoken English and regardless of what those reasons are, you can consider getting an English learning app to get you where you wish to be in the language. There is of course the option of going to English classes, but getting an app does come with its benefits making the approach worth the try. 1. Most of the learning apps are free This is among the major benefits that you stand to gain when you get an app for your English learning. Most of the popular apps are free, meaning that you do not even have to pay for the learning like you might have been required to do if you choose to go for classes. You, however might not have the luxury of learning offline with some of the apps, but at least the internet connectivity is the only

Effects of the Written Language on the Non-Textual World

Effects of the Written Language on the Non-Textual World In our last three articles, we declared texts independent from non-texts; we also pointed out the qualities and properties of science are determined by the written language. We now go on to study how the written language influences the non-textual world. We start from shifting the center of the world from non-texts to texts. Our discussions are based on the world that exists in the mind, which controls human behavior. 1. A text-centered model of the world With clarity and simplicity, texts accumulate sequentially to make up a clearer and detailed world, through longtime and intensive reading and textual thinking. On the contrary, complex, fragmented and accidental non-texts are unable to accumulate with the same level of rigor. As a result, non-texts are integrated into the accumulated textual frame, forming a texts-centered model. Texts determine the scope and size of the model, whilst non-texts display the looks of the surface.

Tips for Improving Your English Through Movies

Tips for Improving Your English Through Movies Movies and films give more than just entertainment. Watching foreign language movies is a fun, motivating way to improve language skills. While enjoying a movie, you can be immersed into authentic and varied language, the visual context and new expressions that you may not find in a textbook. Below are some ways that watching English movies can help you to learn English, and guide you how to get the most out of this technique. How watching movies helps to improve your English skills 1. Listening skills Watching movies is a great way to boost your listening skills. You will hear English used in a natural way, informal English, slag words and phrases you do not often find in books or dictionaries. 2. Speaking skills Repeating what you hear on the screen can go a long way towards improving your speaking skills, from your fluency, words linking, pronunciation, to correct intonation. 3. Vocabulary and grammar You will have chance to learn many

Decision Making and Decision Fatigue - What's the Science, Dude?

Decision Making and Decision Fatigue - What's the Science, Dude? Take a moment to count the decisions you have made since morning. Most likely, you've chosen what clothes to wear, what to have for breakfast, which route to take to work. Once at work, you took stock of pressing demands and made some decisions about which tasks to tackle first. If you're a manager, you might have had to schedule and attend meetings, possibly negotiate with team members on a proposal, counsel administrative staff, prepare reports or presentations, and pitch an idea. All before lunch... Additionally, because of escalating pressures and deadlines, you might have felt called upon to do the thinking for some of the people you work with, something you find both necessary and frustrating at the same time. When you notice that some team members respond without enthusiasm, you grow resentful. Intellectually, you know it's important for employees to have ownership in the decisions that are being ma

Materialistic Thinking - Rational or Irrational?

Materialistic Thinking - Rational or Irrational? A materialistic way of thinking assumes that science is the be-all and end-all of human knowledge. Those who have this outlook claim that the methods of science are the only reliable ways to secure knowledge of anything "Science provides all the significant truths about reality and knowing such truths is what real understanding is about." (Alex Rosenberg, philosopher of science) It is not so surprising that some people are starry eyed about science. It has such a huge beneficial impact on daily life in the western world. Smart phones, laptops, airplanes, television, domestic appliances etc. are all around us. Science, and the technology arising from it, greatly helps us to communicate, easily gain information, be entertained, visit foreign countries, and reduce domestic drudgery. But should we really treat science as our exclusive guide to reality? Are there no other credible sources of knowledge and understanding about our exi

Exceptions To The Rule: The Speed Of Light (And Gravity?)

Exceptions To The Rule: The Speed Of Light (And Gravity?) Within Relativity Theory, if there is anything that is not intuitive it is the fact that in the entire Universe, it is the speed of light (and gravity?) alone that is absolute or fixed, not something like space being absolute or time being absolute. It's not intuitive in that all the other not-light bits and pieces that are in motion can be added or subtracted. The lone exception to that universal rule that velocities can be mathematically combined is the speed of light (and gravity?). Repeat for emphasis: the anomaly here is that in any other scenario, anything that is not-light and in motion, velocities can be added and subtracted. Repeat again: with that one speed of light exception, velocities may be added or subtracted. If you are on a treadmill that's moving left at 5 MPH, and you're on it walking to the right at 5 MPH, to an external observer you are waking yet standing still. You're much more likely to hi

The Simulation Hypothesis: Even More Evidence From Physics

The Simulation Hypothesis: Even More Evidence From Physics If physics is inconsistent it's more likely we're in a computer simulation. If physics is internally self-consistent then it's more likely we're in a really real reality. Alas, we have contradictions / inconsistencies in physics - relativity vs. quantum mechanics for example. Therefore, you probably exist in a simulation and physics can provide the evidence. So, here's my follow-up collection of evidence from physics. The Simulation Hypothesis and Information "What is real?" - Information! "How do you define real?" - Information! Some people suggest that the Simulation Hypothesis is nonsense because it's akin to suggesting that there's actually tiny people inside your TV set or there is a little being present inside your mind that's observing, processing and directing the action. My counter is that it's not the forms that exist in a simulation that hold sway, rather what i