Can A Student Bring His Best When Left To Learn At His Pace?

Can A Student Bring His Best When Left To Learn At His Pace?

Learning is a pleasant experience and it is not just school lessons that teach you all good things in life. Life is a great teacher and the experiences in life bring forth valuable lessons that make one wonder at the ways of the world and knowledge gathered through them.

Still, one needs some systemization in learning lessons from life as he could not pick up each and every detail from life's exposure. Hence, we find the establishment of schools with their curriculum containing languages, Math, Science and Social sciences which are but interpretations of life.

The question arises, when a student learns the values of life through these prescribed subjects, should he be restricted in his learning within the four walls of a classroom or should he be given freedom to learn at his pace. It is not just in terms of tests, assignments and homework that a student's knowledge can be tested but it is more than that and it is the interest he has for gathering knowledge in his topics.

Practical approaches and allowing students to learn at their pace should be made possible in every classroom without just taking them through grades and scores. When a kid is allowed to learn as naturally as possible in Kindergarten, why should he face restrictions in the ongoing days with lots of exams and homework thrust upon him?

As it goes, anyone who chooses to learn out of interest would work wonders in the field despite early pitfalls and setbacks. Many big men who stand apart from others in the arena of fame for their educational ventures prove this to be true. They have the perseverance to work hard in their chosen field due to their innate liking for the subject and their interest in exploring it. Many scientific inventions and discoveries have been out of self learning interest.

With traditional classes where you find the one man show of a teacher exposing his subject knowledge, it is doubtful how many students would catch up with him and how far they like his teaching methods. It is not just getting degrees that would fetch the best of knowledge and attitudes for a student. It is his self involvement that plays a major role in shaping his education.

Teachers need methods to improve self learning attitudes, student centric methods in pedagogy, hands on experience and individualized attention when they handle students of various capabilities and mentalities. Large classroom sizes could impede teachers' efforts in improving student centric activities but they have the latest technological aids for their support when they try to individualize their attention to students.

Students who wish to learn at their pace have online tutoring as their support. It helps them in their learning methods via personalized strategies and solutions. Online tutors suggest methods that improve self learning activities of students. Their interactions with students in one to one tutoring sessions are motivational for self learners.

A student would do his best in his education when he is allowed to learn at his pace. He has no impediment in learning the topics if he has involvement and interest in the subject chosen. Thus learning at one's pace helps a student bring the best of his capabilities along with a good gathering of knowledge.

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